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Deventer, Spikvoorde

Project details

Spikvoorde is part of the large development of de Vijfhoek in the easternmost corner of Deventer. Its urban design reflects the adjacent rural landscape of Salland.
The southern edge of the planning site is a natural area from which a small stream springs. It initially ran straight through the planning area, but has been diverted in order to preserve its specific water quality. The old course of the stream has since been transformed into a more urban water feature with wide green sidings, traversing the neighbourhood from south to north before joining up with the water structure in de Vijfhoek. The different water elements have created three distinct neighbourhoods within the larger plan: de Oversteek, het Eiland and de Cröddendijk.
In the housing quarter of de Oversteek narrow streets coming in from neighbouring areas created wedge shaped strips of buildings surrounded by green.
In between the urban water feature and the original stream the central quarter of het Eiland is situated, with all of its edges responding differently to adjacent structures, creating a distinct and easily recognizable centre. The main entrance to the area is the continuation of a wet axis running from the shopping centre in de Vijfhoek, accentuated by a ‘beacon’ in the water zone.
North of the diverted stream the new housing program joins with the dike of de Cröddendijk in a more rural fashion with houses grouped around collective yards as if they were farm houses. Along the course of the stream a more campus like approach was chosen, with gardenless houses in a green setting.