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Nootdorp, ‘s-Gravenhout

Project details

On the East-side of Nootdorp, the residential area of s’-Gravenhout is being developed. This area forms the transition between the village and the yet to be laid out woods "Balijbos".
The unusual typography of the local landscape is used as the basis for the design. Based on this the plan is made of three parts:

1. The Band/ Ribbon with the building structures around informal plots along the existing s’-Gravensweg. The original farmhouses with their loosely structured barns and stalls have been the source of inspiration for the structuring of this area. The new houses are assembled and grouped with the help of informal plots framed by trees. These plots have thoroughfares that flank the façades of the building structures. These in itself form the transition from public to private spaces, which are merged subtly in the paved surface.

2. The Reedzone, lying parallel to the railway lines, becomes the link between the future Balijbos and the opened up road. The tall reeds (as foreseen in the end situation), the shores and the water, will be the characteristic elements within which the islands are situated. On two of these islands apartment blocks are located around common internal green spaces. On another island the tennis club has been given a place. To access all islands, a "family of Bridges" has been envisioned to connect them via a recognizable design element, from which the area draws a strong visual link.

3. The Woods, the future Balijbos, shall be part of the zone in plan. Along the swerving green lanes within these woods, the houses will be placed behind the wooded streches. At right angles to these lanes, a secondary structural element is introduced via the re-alignment of plots, whereby the housing encircles different open spaces and play spaces.

At the intersection of the reedzone and s’-Gravenweg, there occurs an exception, wherein a new stop is planned for the Randstadrail. The existing Cheese-farm is included in the new vision, and the design opens up a new square to its North.