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Christie Paterson cancer research centre


Location Client Size
Manchester, UK Interserve Construction Ltd 25,000 Sq m

Project details

Designed in partnership with two powerhouses of innovation The Christie Cancer Research UK and the University of Manchester, the 25,000 sq m facility is more than double the size of its predecessor, which was the largest single-site cancer centre in Europe. In 2017, a devastating fire caused significant damage to the Paterson research building, displacing over 300 scientists and research staff. While this setback interrupted world-leading research, it presented a unique opportunity to construct a groundbreaking facility from the ground up.

The design of the facility aims to foster a translational approach to cancer research and care by promoting interaction, integration, and collaboration between research and clinical staff through co-location. At the heart of the building lies the Cancer Research UK Cancer Biomarker Centre, a pivotal component that focuses on early cancer detection and diagnosis. This centre enables personalised cancer management, allowing for the identification of the most effective therapies for individual patients.


  • Greater Manchester Chamber Award 2023
  • BESA (Building Engineering Services Association) - Technical Innovation Award

Integrated services

acoustics, architecture, building services, graphic design, interior design, landscape architecture, lighting design, project management, structure design, sustainability, town planning, urban design