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Well, Well, Well

Andrew Tindsley

Thirty minutes of physical activity every day is being promoted as a goal to help keep us fit and healthy. Andrew Tindsley hopes the urbanism team’s work in places such as Cornmill Gardens, Ladywell Fields, Green Spine Church Street and Hoe Stream will help those who use them hit the target.

Whilst links between green space and health have been acknowledged for years, current research from bodies such as the World Health Organisation and Public Health England is now giving added weight to the idea that the outdoor space in which we live, work, learn and spend our leisure time does have a direct impact on our long-term health and wellbeing! As designers, this positive message gives us confidence to push hard with the idea of building as much physical activity into as many aspects of daily life as we can and bringing more nature into the heart of our towns and cities.


Lisson Street

Breadley Street Gardens

The research supports our view that good practice and the design of people-friendly space does reduce reliance on cars, promote more active lifestyles and encourage walking, cycling and many other types of physical recreation. There is also recognition that safe, inviting walkways help to connect places which in turn helps neighbours get to know each other and grow community spirit. Calm attractive spaces, as green as they can be, are also seen as being of benefit to provide stress-free places in which to relax, gather one’s thoughts and gain relief from the bustle of everyday life.


Belgravia, London

Margaret Macmillan Park

Thirty minutes of physical activity every day is being promoted as a goal to help keep us fit and healthy. We hope our work in places such as Cornmill Gardens, Ladywell Fields, Margaret McMillan, Green Spine Church Street and Hoe Stream will help those who use them hit the target.

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