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Lye Masterplan and Design Code


Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council is seeking to engage with members of the local community on the production of a new Masterplan and Design Code for Lye and Stour Valley. Having spoken to key local stakeholders during the development of the Masterplan and Code, we are now inviting local people to comment on the proposals and suggest changes.


Who are we?

BDP is working on behalf of Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council to prepare the new Masterplan and Design Code and engage the local community in its production. We are a multi-disciplinary collective of placemakers who are passionate about good design and place people at the centre of our thinking.


What is a Masterplan?

A masterplan is a proposed strategy for future development of an area, focussing on a number of key themes and projects. The Masterplan Vision for Lye is:

  • A place where people make things and where the town’s industrial role is enhanced.
  • A district centre that provides a full range of services to the local population and distinctive restaurants, bars and retail to a wider audience.
  • An attractive, well designed place on the rejuvenated Stour Valley, with accessible and enhanced green and blue infrastructure
  • A well connected place with strong public transport links and streets which encourage active travel
  • A good place to live, offering a range of good quality housing and town centre living opportunities

Lye District Centre is struggling with high levels of vacancy, however the historic character of several buildings along the High Street offers great potential for Lye’s renewal. The masterplan proposes a number of projects to help revive the town centre. This is based on the removal of through traffic by making the bypass two way, but importantly retaining local traffic and parking on the high street to support local shops and businesses. The masterplan seeks to consolidate the amount of retail and to provide a new public square. It also introduces a series of new residential developments to increase the town centre population. The hope is that this will help Lye rediscover its historic role as a curry ‘hotspot’.

This is explored through a set of 12 proposals. You can find out more about these proposals in the Draft Masterplan report.

  • Project 1: Lye Bypass
  • Project 2: Bypass Housing Sites
  • Project 3: Lye High Street
  • Project 4: Lye Square
  • Project 5: Station Link
  • Project 6: Station Yard
  • Project 7: Conservation Area
  • Project 8: Stour Valley
  • Project 9: Quarry Bank
  • Project 10: Engine Lane
  • Project 11: Old Forge Trading Estate
  • Project 12: Clay Croft Estate




What is a Design Code?

A design code is a tool that can be used by local planning authorities, communities, and developers to deliver high quality places. It will provide clear rules for new development to adhere to, including building heights, conservation and sustainability, among other topics. The document will be built upon the 10 specific features for good design defined in the National Model Design Code. Once adopted, the Lye and Stour Valley District Design Code can be used to judge new planning applications.

As part of this project we have identified 5 existing Area Types: Town Centre, Urban Neighbourhood, Suburban Neighbourhood, Industrial and Modernist estate (eg. Clay Croft). The Design Code sets design parameters for new development within these area types and for changes to existing areas. You can read the emerging draft Design Code here.



If you have any further questions:


POST: Planning Policy Team, Council House,1 Priory Road, Dudley, DY1 1HF